Utah Sponsored Training Courses

2023 Upcoming Trainings

Here is a list of 2023 trainings. New trainings will be updated on here as they are offered so check back frequently. Have a training at your department and want us to put the word out? Email us at utahiaisecretary@gmail.com

Out of State Training Courses

 Crime Scene Reconstruction II
 Dates: March 20 - 24th, 2023 Location: SLCPD Crime Lab
 Link to additional information and to sign up:

 Forensic Ultraviolet and Infrared Photography
 Dates: April 3 - 5th, 2023 Location: Unified PD
 Click here for the Attachment and to get signed up.

 Forensic Courtroom Testimony *FREE*
 Dates: April 26 - 27th, 2023 Location: Cottonwood Heights PD
 Click here for the attachment and to get signed up.

 Shooting Incident Reconstruction
 Dates: June 12 - 16th, 2023 Location: SLCPD Crime Lab
 Link to additional information and to sign up:

 Complex LP Examination Class
 Dates: October 23 - 27th, 2023 Location: Sandy PD
 Click here for the brochure and for more information. Link to sign up:
 https://www.ronsmithandassociates.com/training/schedule.php?  utm_source=RS%26A+Master+List&utm_campaign=2d506e15ce-Simultaneous+Fort+Collins+CO+Oct+10-12+2017_COPY_0&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_edc3088d89-2d506e15ce-124178659

Have a training you would like to see come to Utah? Let us help!

Email us at utahiaisecretary@gmail.com