Constitution of the Utah Division of the
International Association for Identification
Article I
Official Name, Character, and Objectives
Section 1.01 Official Name. The name of the association shall be the "UTAH DIVISION
Section 1.02 Character. The Utah Division of the International Association for Identification shall be organized in the State of Utah as a not-for-profit association, and as a Division of the International Association for Identification (I.A.I.), nothing in this Constitution shall supercede the Constitution or By-Laws of the parent body as they apply to Divisions.
Section 1.03 Objectives. The Association was formed to pursue the following objectives:
(a.) To associate persons who are actively engaged in the profession of forensic identification, investigation, and scientific examination of physical evidence in an organized body, so that the profession, in all of its branches, may be standardized and effectively and scientifically practiced.
(b.) To encourage the enlargement and improvement of the science of forensic identification and crime detection.
(c.) To encourage research in scientific crime detection.
(d.) To keep its members appraised of the latest techniques and discoveries in forensic identification and crime detection.
(e.) To employ the collective wisdom of the profession to advance the scientific techniques of forensic identification and crime detection.
(f.) To provide training, education and the publication of information in all established forensic science disciplines represented by this Division.
Article II
Section 2.01 Categories. Membership categories shall consist of: Active, Life Active, Associate, Life Associate, and Student Members.
Section 2.02 Qualifications and Application. The qualifications and application procedures for each category of membership shall conform to the provisions of the Utah Division By-laws.
Article III
Board of Directors
Section 3.01 Members of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of nine (9) membersand the President as chairperson, for a total of 10 persons. These Directors shall consist of: a President, 1 Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Regional Representative to the I.A.I., Newsletter Editor, Sergeant-at-Arms, Legal Representative, Historian, and Immediate Past President.
Section 3.02 Election, Appointment, Removal, and Duties. The election or appointment, succession, removal, and duties of all the members and the chairperson of the Board of Directors shall conform to the provisions of the by laws.
Section 3.03 Policy Making Body. The Board of Directors shall be the policy making body of the Utah Division of the I.A.I.
Article IV
Section 4.01 Standing Committees and Subcommittees. Standing Committees and Subcommittees shall be established in accordance with and conform to the provisions of the Utah Division By-laws.
Section 4.02 Special Committees and Subcommittees. The following individuals are authorized to form Special Committees and Subcommittees: the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the President-elect.
Section 4.03 Dissolution of Special Committees and Subcommittees. All Special Committees and Subcommittees shall be automatically dissolved at the end of the term of office or term of appointment, of the individual who created them, unless they are dissolved sooner, or unless the newly elected Chair of the Board allows them to remain, or as otherwise provided for in the Division By-Laws.
Article V
Section 5.01 Logo. This is the Official Utah Division of the International Association for Identification Logo.
Section 5.02 Use. In addition to any use authorized by the Board of Directors, official publications, official correspondence and official documents or items in any form, the Official Logo may be used only by members of the Utah Division of the International Association for Identification who are in good standing.
Article VI
Educational Conferences and General Membership Meetings
Section 6.01 Bi-Annual Utah Division Educational Conference. At least two (2) Bi- Annual Utah Division of the I.A.I. Educational Conference shall be held in conformance with the provisions of the Utah Division By-laws, and as funding will allow.
Section 6.02 General Membership Meeting. A General Membership Meeting shall be held during at least two (2) Utah Division of I.A.I. Educational Conferences in conformance with the provisions of the Utah Division By-laws.
Article VII
Code of Ethics, Standards of Professional Conduct and Members' Bill of Rights
Section 7.01 Code of Ethics. Standards of Professional Conduct, and Members' Bill of Rights. The membership of the Utah Division of the I.A.I, shall adhere to and abide by the Code of Ethics, Standards of Professional Conduct, and Members' Bill of Rights, as established by the Constitution of the I.A.I.
Article VIII
Section 8.01 Required Vote. Except as othenwise provided herein or by law, this Constitution shall not be amended or repealed without a majority vote at two (2) consecutive Bi-Annual General Membership Meetings.
Section 8.02 Publication. On the day of the first General Membership meetings in which any amendment or amendments to this Constitution will be voted on, the Chairperson or Secretary/Treasurer shall post each proposed amendment to this Constitution in the form of a written resolution at the site of the General Membership
Meeting. Also, at least thirty (30) days prior to the Second General Membership Meeting in which any amendment or amendments to this Constitution will be voted on, each proposed amendment to this Constitution in the form of a resolution shall be published in total, in an official Utah Division of the I.A.I. Newsletter, that is normally sent to all
members in good standing.
Section 8.03 Effective Date. An amendment to this Constitution shall become effective immediately only upon being passed at two (2) consecutive Bi-Annual Utah Division General Membership Meetings, and in compliance with the legal requirements imposed by the laws of the State of Utah and the By-Laws of the Constitution of the I.A.I.
Reference: Regional I.A.I. Divisions in the I.A.I. By-Laws of the Constitution. Upon approval of amendment or amendments to this Constitution, they must be published in total a second time in the Utah Division of the I.A.I. Newsletter.
Article IX
Prohibition Against Sharing Profits and Assets and Dissolution
Section 9.01 General Prohibition. No member of the Board of Directors or other person connected with the Division, or any other private individual, shall receive at any time, any of the net earnings or pecuniary profit from the operations of the Utah Division of the I.A.I. However, this provision shall not prevent the payment to any such person or reasonable compensation for services rendered, expenses incurred to or for the Division,
as shall be fixed by a resolution passed by the Board of Directors.
Section 9.02 Dissolution. The Utah Division of the International Association for Identification may be dissolved upon a vote of a simple majority at two (2) consecutive General Membership Meetings. However, if no General Membership Meetings are scheduled at any time within the subsequent two (2) years, the Division may be dissolved by a simple majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors. Prior to a vote on dissolution, a written notice shall be published in some form at least sixty (60) days before the vote is taken. The written notice shall be considered to have been published effective on the date that the written notice is mailed to all members in good standing at their last known mailing address.
Section 9.03 Distribution of Assets after Dissolution. First, all the lawful expenses, to include operating expenses, of the Utah Division of the I.A.I, are to be paid. Next, as stated in an approved resolution to dissolve the Division, the remaining assets and income shall not inure to the benefit of any member or private individual, but shall be
used for the purposes of carrying out the objectives for which this organization was founded. For the purposes directed in this section, the Board of Directors shall consist of those individuals currently serving on the Board of Directors when the resolution to dissolve the Utah Division of the International Association for Identification becomes effective.
Date Revised: 11/20/08